File a Complaint – Option to be Anonymous
At LoanPeople, we strive to deliver superior service to our customers and a safe, healthy working environment for our employees. The purpose of this page is to provide a good faith means for customers and employees of LoanPeople to report any issues or submit complaints either in person or anonymously.
Use this page to report instances or concerns that involve:
- Illegal Activity
- Fraud
- Mismanagement
- Unethical Conduct
- Dangerous or Unlawful conduct
This information submitted on this page is confidential and will not be shared. You have the option to share your contact information for a reply or anonymously leave a comment. If you would like a response to your complaint but choose to remain anonymous, please supply an email address in the form below but leave your name and phone number blank. Contact information fields are not required to be completed.
How to Submit a Complaint
Please fill out the fields below. The only required field is the explanation of your complaint or experience.
If you would like a response to your complaint but choose to remain anonymous, please supply an email address in the form below but leave your name and phone number blank. Please be sure your email address does not contain any part of your name.
After clicking submit, your comments will be forwarded to the Human Resources department if you selected “I am an employee.”
After clicking submit, your comments will be forwarded to the Compliance department if you selected “I am not an employee.”
If this is an Employee complaint, the issue will be fully investigated by the HR department.
If this is a customer complaint, your issue will be forwarded to the Compliance designee to complete a full investigation.